
Grateful – (adj.) warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful

This one word has been used daily during the past 8 months. The staff at Speech Connections has been grateful for the acts of kindness that we have received, the words of encouragement and the many blessing bestowed. Where do we begin?

Thank you –

To each face that appears on the screen for a therapy session. We are so glad to see you!

To each child that has their temperature taken and enters our doors. Your smile is amazing!

To each parent that is waiting on the sidewalk at the end of your child’s session. You are always ready to hear about your child.

To Joy, Katie, and Jenna for making a difference every single day.

To Kim for learning the ropes so quickly. What did we ever do without you?

To the cleaning crew that has things sparkling in the mornings. You make a difference in our lives and the children’s lives.

From this past 8 months, success stories have emerged. Each success has been the result of hard work, lots of communication and teamwork.

Congratulations –

To J for learning to hear the difference in sounds and learning to write paragraphs. Your hard work paid off!

To A for learning to work your new communication device. You make it look easy!

To T for giving yourself a “pat on the back” when it was well-deserved.

To W for talking!

To J for mastering those “R” sounds. That was hard!

May your Thanksgiving holiday be safe and filled with joy. No doubt you too will be reminded of the many things and relationships for which you are grateful.

Kathy, JoAnn, Jenna, Joy, Katie, Kim


 Weaver, who is grateful for children and the rustling leaves of fall.

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