Let’s Talk Building Language with Bubbles

Let’s talk bubbles! There is something magical in the simplicity of blowing bubbles, watching them shower down on you, and waiting for that “pop!”.

Does your child love to play with bubbles? Me too! While bubbles may be used for some simple, soapy fun — they can also be a wonderful tool for teaching and establishing early language skills with your child.

One primary skill that children develop prior to using verbal language is the ability to imitate movements. While playing with bubbles, practice various actions such as stomping down to squash the bubble, reaching high to grab the bubble, clapping, or jumping to pop the bubbles. Get creative, and allow time for your child to do these movements with you!

Now that you have established imitating movements, lets add some words! Practice modeling locational words such as “up” while reaching high in the air and “down” while waving your hands down to follow the bubbles as they fall. Model action words for your child such as “blow”, “pop”, “go” and adjectives such as “big and little”. These are sure to make your bubble play more exciting! In between play, encourage your child to request “more” bubbles whether it be with a sign, gesture, or phrase. Be sure to allow them wait time to make the request.

Lastly, lets discuss turn-taking. Practice taking turns-blowing and popping the bubbles. Challenge each other to make bigger bubbles or the most bubbles each time. Use your modeling skills to practice gestures or phrases for “your turn”, “my turn”.

These are just a few skills you can target with bubbles. Enjoy playing with your child, have fun, and be silly! Each time you practice together, add in new actions or words to keep playtime fun!

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